The Animal Control Officer responds to citizen complaints concerning domestic animals and wildlife, picks up stray animals and investigates animal bites and animal cruelty cases, and enforces state and local Animal Control Laws. A door-to-door dog and cat canvas is conducted annually by the Animal Control Officer. |
Jessica Meyer- Assistant Animal Control Officer
Telephone: (609) 844-7092
Rabies Clinic
Free rabies clinics are scheduled twice a year to coincide with each of the licensing periods for dogs and cats. The next rabies vaccination clinic will be held on January 25, 2025 and preregistration is required. For more details and registration see the attached. Use the following link after January 1, 2025 for a dog license application. The rabies vaccine is available for both dogs and cats.
Attention Dog Owners
Dog licenses must be renewed each year. A dog cannot be licensed unless it is properly vaccinated. Residents should be aware that if their dog is off a leash in public areas a court summons may be issued, except on their private property or at one of the (2) dog parks in Lawrence Township.
Attention Cat Owners
Cat licenses must be renewed each year by September 30.
Bear Sighting!
It's baby season... please don't fawn over fawn
What is Rabies?
Rabies is a deadly disease caused by a virus. The virus is found in the saliva of a rabid animal and is transmitted by a bite, or possibly by contamination of an open cut. Left untreated, rabies attacks the nervous system and causes death. The attached brochure provides additional information regarding Rabies and Animal Bites.
Free Rabies Clinic
Free rabies clinics are scheduled twice a year to coincide with each of the licensing periods for dogs and cats. The next rabies vaccination clinic will be held on January 25, 2025 and preregistration is required. For more details see the attached. Use the following link after January 1, 2025 for a dog license application. The rabies vaccine is available for both dogs and cats.
Available for both dogs and cats. Please adhere to the following rules:
Animal Cruelty Information:
The New Jersey Department of Health has provided information regarding animal cruelty prevention to ensure that all animal owners and caretakers have an understanding of prohibited acts that apply to all animals. Please click here for detailed information.
Animals and Harmful Algal Bloom Toxins:
The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection has provided information about Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB) an the danger they present for your pets.
Backyard Poultry:
Having chickens, ducks, geese, and turkeys can be harmful to your health as they carry Salmonella. While it usually does not make the birds sick, Salmonella can cause serious illness when it is passed on to people. Click here to see the brochure regarding Salmonella. This document provides additional advice to poultry owners. You may also go to the CDC website for more information. For an application or zoning regulations regarding poultry in residential areas contact, James Parvesse, the Township Zoning officer 609.844.7084
Tips to Reduce Conflict and Encounters with Bears
Even though overall bear sightings and encounters are declining again this year, new Jersey residents, particularly those living in "bear country' in northwest New Jersey, are advised to take a few simple precautions to reduce the risk of potential encounters. For more details see the attached flyer. Additional information can be found on the New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife and also a podcast they have provided.
What You Need to Know About Coyotes and Foxes
Despite being one of the most successful urban mammals, many people are surprised to see a coyote or fox in their backyard - and that surprise often leads to panic. The good news is that there really is not much to worry about! For more details view this link.
Birds of Prey and the Backyard Food Chain
Birds of prey are magnificent birds. They are an important part of the ecosystems to which they belong and provide rodent control in urban ecosystems. As more wild animals are displaced by overdevelopment and human activities, it's important that we learn to peacefully coexist with them - and protect our pets at the same time. For more detailed information see this flyer.
Facts about Deer
The Mercer County Wildlife Center has prepared a brochure with valuable information regarding deer, the impact they have on residents, how to protect your gardens, and the best way to avoid them while driving.
During certain months, if wild animals have taken up residence under your house, porch, shed or other structure, wait until they have vacated that area before closing up the entry point. If you haven’t already done this and an animal has sheltered there, it may be too late to close off the entry point. Wildlife is protected by state law during their breeding season since they are building their dens in anticipation of giving birth. Young will be present in the spring, summer, and early fall. This link will provide additional details.
Additional Links