General Information
Phone Numbers
609.844.7092 609.896.1111
Fax: 609.895.1668
Emergencies: Dial 911
2207 Lawrenceville Road
Lawrence Township,

Office Hours M - F
8:30am - 4:30pm
Holidays - Closed

Animal Control FAQ

Animal Control FAQ
How do I obtain a dog/cat license?

The Township requires all dogs and cats 7 months or older to have a license.  Licenses are renewed annually.  Dog licenses are renewed in January and cat licenses are renewed in September.  You can obtain a license at the Municipal Clerk’s Office.  Proof of current rabies certification and proof of spaying or neutering must be presented at the time the license is applied for.  The fee is $11.00 if spayed or neutered and $14.00 if not spayed or neutered.  A delinquent fee will be assessed in the amount of $5.00 plus $1.00 per month for each month the fee remains unpaid.   For any additional, please contact the Municipal Clerk’s Office at 609.844.7000.

To download an application use this link: Application for Dog License        Application for Cat License

How do I have my dog or cat receive a free rabies vaccine?

Free rabies clinics are scheduled twice a year to coincide with each of the licensing periods for dogs and cats. The next rabies vaccination clinic will be held on January 25, 2025 and preregistration is required. For more details see the attached.   REGISTRATION CLOSES AT 5PM ON MONDAY, JANUARY 20 Use the following link after January 1, 2025 for a dog license application. The rabies vaccine is available for both dogs and cats.  

  • All dogs must be securely leashed.

  • Muzzles are recommended if your dog is not used to being around other pets or people.

  • All pets must be under the close supervision of an adult at all times.

  • Cats must be in suitable carriers.

  • No children under the age of 7 years old may be present at the clinic.

  • Should you have any further questions, please contact our Animal Control Officer at 609.844.7092.

What are the Lawrence Township ordinances relating to animals?

There are many Township ordinances pertaining to animals.

Click the link below to see a summary of ordinances regarding licensing, running at large, noise, animal waste, and feeding wildlife.

Animal Ordinances

What should I do if I have any animal related emergencies after hours, weekends or holidays?

Please call the Lawrence Township Police Department at 609.896.1111.

Examples of animal emergencies are as follows:

  • Domestic animal is struck by a car and is still alive.

  • Animal is sick or injured.

  • Stray animals that are attacking residents or causing a threat.

  • Wildlife in the living space of a residence.

What should I do if I have a wild animal (raccoon, skunk, bird, woodchuck, etc.) on my property that is orphaned, noticeably sick, injured or requiring some assistance?

Please call the Lawrence Township Animal Control Officer at 609.844.7092 between 8:30 am - 4:30 pm (Monday--Friday).

The Mercer County Wildlife Center, located on Route 29, Titusville, NJ, is open 365 days a year.

The telephone Number for Wildlife Center is 609.303-0552.

The link to its site is here: Mercer County Wildlife Center

When are the free rabies clinics?

Free rabies clinics are scheduled twice a year to coincide with each of the licensing periods for dogs and cats. The next rabies vaccination clinic will be held on January 25, 2025 and preregistration is required. For more details see the attached. Use the following link after January 1, 2025 for a dog license application. The rabies vaccine is available for both dogs and cats.  

  • All dogs must be on a secure leash to prevent them from breaking loose, and/or endangering others waiting in line.
  • Muzzles are recommended if your dog is not used to being around other people or pets.
  • All pets must be under the control of an adult at all times.
  • Cats must be in suitable carriers.
  • For safety and insurance purposes no children less than 7 years of age admitted.

Should you have any questions, please contact the Animal Control Officer at 609.844.7092