General Information
Phone Numbers
Fax: 609.844.0282
Emergencies: Dial 911
2207 Lawrenceville Road
Lawrence Township,

Office Hours M - F
8:30am - 4:30pm

Emergency Management

Emergency Management
What does local Emergency Management do?

The office provides a variety of services to the citizens of Lawrence Township. Pamphlets and information are available through the office to assist in planning for tornadoes, hurricanes, winter storms, fire safety, flood protection measures and preparing a Disaster Supplies Kit. The Lawrence Township Emergency Management Office has been tasked with the responsibility of planning for the protection of lives and property of the citizens of Lawrence Township. Planning consists of identifying potential man made and natural disasters that could affect our area.

What is Emergency Management?

Emergency Management is the combined efforts of local, state and federal governments to protect the citizens from the effects of disasters, both natural and man-made. The local Office of Emergency Management works to identify and analyze the hazards that may face Lawrence Township and develop contingency plans for each hazard. The plans are regularly tested, refined and tested again, all with the goal of protecting or saving lives and property.

How will I be notified if there is an emergency?

Nixle, which is a real-time notification program will deliver a recorded warning to the entire Township by telephone, e-mail or text. 

You can register for Nixle by clicking here.

What happens when I call the 9-1-1 number?

All 9-1-1 calls made in Lawrence Township are answered at the Lawrence Township Police Department 9-1-1 Communications Center in the Police building. The Communications Center is staffed 24 hours a day, year round by trained professional telecommunicators. When a call is received, in addition to voice contact, the telecommunicator receives a computer data base file showing the listed address, name and phone number from the phone where the call is being placed. Because of the number of changes that occur in the phone company database or the possibility of an incorrect address, the telecommunicator will confirm all information before dispatching an emergency unit. You should as calmly as possible advise the telecommunicator exactly what type emergency it is and answer questions being asked. To assist emergency personnel in locating your residence during an emergency, your street address must be clearly displayed to be visible from both directions of travel. 

REMEMBER, 9-1-1 IS ONLY FOR EMERGENCIES. For non-emergencies, contact the Lawrence Township Police Department at 609-896-1111.

What actions should I take if told to evacuate my home?

In some situations, evacuation is the only protective action available to protect the public, if time permits. If you are advised to evacuate, first consider going to the homes of relatives or friends, or checking into a hotel or motel outside the danger area. If these locations are not feasible then you will need to go to a shelter site, but remember that there are limited shelter sites for pets to be brought in due to health, safety and space reasons. If going to a shelter you should contact your veterinarian for animal boarding or please visit:  Finding Animal Emergency Assistance
 If instructed to evacuate:

Stay calm – don’t panic.

Take only essential emergency supplies with you.

Do not go to pick up children at school. They will be taken care of at school or taken to a shelter outside the affected area. Listen to local radio or TV stations, they will have information on where to pick up your children and shelter locations.

Unless you are planning to stay with friends or family, leave your pets and farm animals at home. Be sure to put out plenty of water and food for your animals before you leave.

Turn off all lights and appliances (including the hot water heater) with the exception of the refrigerator and freezer.

Secure windows and doors and tie a white cloth or white towel to your front door as an indicator that you have evacuated (this will save emergency responders time when searching for victims or fatalities).

Follow the recommended routes, do not take shortcuts.

Notify a family contact person of your location.

Stay tuned to your local radio stations for updates.

Do not return home until advised to do so.

What should I do if told to “Shelter in Place”?

In certain situations when an emergency occurs so quickly that there is insufficient time to evacuate, or an evacuation would actually place more people in danger, it is necessary to “Shelter in Place”. If this should occur, immediately go inside your home or the nearest structure (if you are at work or away from you home), if you have a pet get it inside too, and do the following:

Secure all doors and windows (if tape is available, tape cracks for extra protection).

Shut off all air conditioners, window fans or other equipment with air intakes.

Cover food and put uncovered food in the refrigerator.

Move to a center room or central area of the structure (keep water and emergency supplies with you).

Keep your TV or radio on and turned onto the Emergency Broadcasting Station (or local stations).

Do not use the telephone except for an extreme emergency.

Do not leave your home (or the structure) until you are told it is safe to do so.

If you’re in an automobile, roll the windows up, close all vents, turn off the fan and leave the area immediately.

What type supplies should I keep on hand for emergency situations?

The Lawrence Township Emergency Management Office recommends that citizens keep enough supplies at home to meet family needs for at least 72 hours, since it may take that long before outside assistance is available from the state or federal government. Home disaster supply kits should be made up from sturdy and easy to carry containers such as backpacks, duffel bags or large trash containers in the event that you may have to evacuate and take your emergency supplies with you. These emergency supply kits should contain a number of things including the following:

Three day supply of water (1 gallon per person, per day)

A three-day supply of non-perishable, packaged or canned food.

One change of clothing for each member of the family.

Rain gear or coats depending on the time of year.

Blankets or sleeping bags for each member of the family.

A battery powered radio with extra batteries.

Two flashlights with batteries.

Emergency candles and matches.

Sanitation supplies (toilet paper, handy wipes, etc.).

A first aid kit and any prescription medications needed.

Extra pair of prescription glasses.

Special care items for infants, elderly or disabled family members (medications, formula etc..).

Small writing tablet with two or three pencils.

Manual can and bottle opener.

Pocketknife or multi-purpose type tool.

Recommend $50 to $100 money in cash, since electronic teller machines may not be working due to power outages.

Reading materials or games to help pass the time

What actions should I take in the event of a tornado?

A number of people have asked that question, since tornadoes are so unpredictable, even with state of the art Doppler radar and modern forecasting techniques. There are some precautions individuals can take. A good first step to take is to learn the difference between a Tornado Watch and Tornado Warning. A Tornado Watch means that weather conditions are favorable for tornadoes to develop. When a Tornado Watch is issued, you should start taking actions to protect yourself, your family and property. Some of the precautions include being alert of changes in the weather, keep your car and house keys with you, move lawn furniture and yard equipment inside if possible, make sure your Disaster Supply Kit is complete in the event you have to evacuate, go over your emergency plan with family members, be sure to keep your radio or television tuned to weather reports and if there are indications that a tornado may be approaching, take cover immediately, don’t wait for a warning to be issued.

A Tornado Warning means that a tornado has actually been sighted. There is only one thing you have time to do and that is to seek shelter immediately. If you are at home, go to your basement. If your home does not have a basement, go to a small room such as a bathroom or closet in the middle of the house. If you are in a mobile home or automobile, get out and find a safe shelter, or lie down in a low area with your hands covering the back of your head and neck. Be sure to stay away from outside walls and windows. If you are at work or school, go to the designated shelter areas and stay out of large open areas like auditoriums and gymnasiums. Remain in your shelter until the storm is over!

A list of recommended items needed for your Disaster Supply Kit can be found under “What type supplies should I keep on hand for emergency situations?”. If you would like additional “FREE” information on precautions to take for severe storms or tornadoes, just call the Lawrence Township Emergency Management Office at 609-844-7020 or 609-844-7116.

How do I find out what the road conditions are?

Listen to the local media, or for information on current road & travel conditions call:

511 or visit

DO NOT CALL 911 for road conditions – 911 is for EMERGENCIES ONLY.