Bring Your Bag
Beginning May 4, 2022 State Law prohibits all stores from selling to or providing their customers with single-use plastic carryout bags. More details can be found in the attached.
Paper - Plastic - Glass and more
For information about recycling, a service provided by the County through the Mercer County Improvement Authority, see the attached video. Attached is a guide to recyclables or contact the MCIA at 609-278-8086. Recycling is picked up every other Monday.
If Monday falls on a holiday, the pickup is the following Saturday. Beginning September 7th, all contaminated recycling will be left curbside, tagged, and have an education piece in English and Spanish attached. The hauler will not be going back for contaminated recycling.
If recycling is missed, please call the Public Works Department at 609-587-1894. Recycling containers may be picked up on Wednesdays between 7:30am and 2:30pm at the Public Works Department located at 240 Bakers Basin Road.
For information on the recycling schedule visit the MCIA website.
New Electronics Recycling Site
Beginning Wednesday, June 28, 2023, Lawrence residents will be able to dispose of electronics at the Joseph Maher Ecological Center - 3701 Princeton Pike. Proof of residency required.
Electronics may be dropped off on Wednesdays between the hours of 7:30am and 2:30pm. Closed between the hours of 11:45am and 12:30pm.
Approved E-waste Items
Printers (ink cartridges and paper must be removed)
Alternative E-waste drop off site designated by the State of NJ: Good Will Store - 1632 North Olden Avenue, Ewing, NJ.
Project Medicine Drop-Off
In partnership with local law enforcement agencies, the Division of Consumer Affairs has made it as easy as possible for you to safely and securely dispose of your unused medications. For more details, see the attached flyer.
Eyeglasses Drop-Off Locations
Lions Recycle for Sight - for information about recycling old eyeglasses, please click here for participating locations.