Special Leaf Collection
During April the Public Works will conduct leaf collection in all zones in addition to regular yard waste pick up. For more details see the attached.
Township Ordinance 2307-18 details collection guidelines. You may click here for a quick description of the regulations.
Brush & Yard Waste
Collection takes place once a month according to your Zone schedule. Please see Zone Collection Map. You can also look up the zone for your property using the online search tool.
Attention Property Owners
- Permit Required: Obtain a permit from the Township for cutting down trees of certain sizes
- Engineering Inspection: The Engineering Department must inspect trees before any removal.
- Residential Allowance: Homeowners can remove up to 5 trees annually, sized 8-29 inches in diameter.
- Specimen Trees: Larger trees are considered specimens and require a special permit and replacement if removed.
- Root System Protection: Damaging root systems or excessive pruning of specimen trees is considered removal.
- Unauthorized Removal: May result in replacement requirements or contributions to the Shade Tree Account.