General Information
Phone Numbers
Fax: 609.896.0412
Emergencies: Dial 911
2207 Lawrenceville Road
Lawrence Township,

Office Hours M - F
8:30 am - 4:30 pm

Zoning Board of Adjustment

Click here to access the Zoning Board of Adjustment Agendas and Minutes.

The Zoning Board of Adjustment is responsible for considering applications that require exceptions from standards in the Township's Land Use Ordinance. 
This body also hears appeals from decisions made by the Township's Zoning Officer. Pursuant to the Municipal Land Use Law, the Township imposes on an applicant fees and costs to recover expenses incurred in processing applications. Depending on the schedule of the Zoning Board and complexity of the application, the period to complete the process is between two (2) and nine (9) months. Assistance in the application process is available in the Office of Community Development.

Meetings are held in the Township Municipal Building, Lower Level Conference Room, generally the third Wednesday of each month and begin at 7:00 p.m.  Information for attending / participating at a Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting can be accessed here.

Members & Liaisons

Current Members:

  • Joseph Blaney, (Through 12/31/27)
  • Howard Cohen (Through 12/31/28)
  • Olga Dember, (Through 12/31/27)
  • Christina Hultholm, Chair (Through 12/31/27)
  • Jeffrey Johnson,Vice Chair (Through 12/31/26)
  • Bruce Kmosko, Alternate #1 (Through 12/31/25)
  • Charles E. Lavine, (Through 12/31/26)
  • Sarah E. Siggelakis, (Through 12/31/28)
  • Vacancy (Through 12/31/26)

If you are interested in applying for a position on this or any board/committee, please complete this form.

Current Liaisons:

  • Brenda Kraemer, Township Staff Liaison
  • For information regarding the Zoning Board contact: Jennifer Lech, Administrative Assistant (609) 844-7087