General Information
Phone Numbers
Fax: 609.620.0081
Emergencies: Dial 911
2207 Lawrenceville Road
Lawrence Township,

Office Hours M - F
8:30 am - 4:30 pm

Tax Collector

Sewer bills were mailed on March 12 and are due in the Tax Collector's office by close of business on April 25, 2025 to avoid penalty. Payment for sewer bill can be made online by using this link. In order to make an onlie payment you will need your account number which can be obtained using this link.


Property Tax Relief Programs - Eligibility requirements, including income limits, and benefits available for all property tax relief programs are subject to change by the State Budget.

The Tax Collector is responsible for the billing and collection of all funds raised by taxation or assessed to property owners for county, school, and municipal purposes. The office also is responsible for the billing and collection of sewer user fees.

PREPAYMENT OF TAXES - The Lawrence Township Tax Collector Office accepts pre-payment of property taxes. For those residents who are making any pre-payments on their taxes, our office requires that you specifically provide us with exactly what the pre-payment should be applied to. You should complete this form and include it with your tax payment. If you have questions call (609) 844-7041.

Tax Due Dates

  • August 1 
  • November 1
  • February 1
  • May 1

There is a 10 day grace period from each of the above dates after which interest is charged at the rates of 8% for balances of less than $1,500.00 and 18% for balances in excess of $1,500.00, charged from the original due date.

Sewer Due Dates: April 15 and October 15

Annual Tax Sale: During the last quarter of the year.

Payments: By mail, send check with appropriate payment stub. Canceled check will be your receipt. In-person, bring the entire bill. Bill will be receipted and returned.

2024 Tax Rate $3.098 per $100 of Assessed valuation:

Municipal Rate


Municipal Open Space


County Rate (includes Library and Open Space)


School Rate


Tax Sale
2024 Tax Sale for Lawrence Township will be held Monday December 16, 2024 at 10 am.. Pre-registration is required. Use the following links for details regarding registration, rules, guidelines and public notice with the associated properties.

Tax Bills
Tax bills are mailed once a year during the summer.  The bill you receive has the third and fourth quarters of the current year and the first and second quarters of the following year.  Due dates for each quarter are printed on the bill, February 1, May 1, August 1, and November 1.  There is a 10 grace period and payments must be received in the Tax Collector’s office by the close of business day on the 10th in order to avoid interest charges unless the grace period is extended by a Resolution adopted by Council in accordance with New Jersey State Law.  If the 10th falls on a weekend or a holiday, payment is accepted on the next business day without penalty.  Failure to receive a tax bill does not exempt a property owner from interest on delinquent taxes. (NJSA 54:5-64) If the owner of a property receives an “Advice Only” copy of the Tax Bill and does not have a 3rd party escrowing tax payments then they are responsible for the payments listed on the bill to be paid when due and should notify the Tax Collector’s office immediately. The State of New Jersey does not permit postmark. See what your rights are by viewing the NJ Property Taxpayer's Bill of Rights.

The entire bill and a self-addressed stamped envelope must accompany remittances requiring a receipt.  Otherwise, it is acceptable to detach the appropriate stub to mail along with your check, and the canceled check will serve as your receipt.  The same process is required for receipts in person. 

Interest of 8% per annum will be charged on the amount up to 1500.00 and 18% per annum on amount over 1500.00 until the amount is made current.  A penalty of 6% may be charged on any delinquency in excess of 10,000 if not paid by the end of the year (December 31).

Please contact the Tax Assessor for information regarding Veteran or Widow of a Veteran deductions and for Senior, Disabled or Surviving Spouse

ANCHOR formerly the Homestead Rebate Program
This program provides property tax relief to New Jersey residents who own or rent property in New Jersey as their principal residence and meet certain income limits. The current filing season for the ANCHOR benefit is based on 2020 residency, income, and age. The Department of the Treasury is launching a new initiative, the ANCHOR Property Tax Relief Outreach Team, to conduct door-to-door outreach and application assistance to residents across the state. Canvassers will provide information and help complete applications for those who need assistance filing for ANCHOR. The Community Outreach Team will be going door-to-door daily throughout the state beginning September 26th, from the hours of 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. members of the ANCHOR Property Tax Relief Outreach Team will be credentialed with identification badges as the “ANCHOR Property Tax Relief Outreach Team.” They will wear blue safety vests while working in the community. The canvasser will ask questions regarding eligibility and use the information to assist residents with their property tax application.

To ask questions  1-800-238-1233 or visit the Division of Taxation.

Property Tax Reimbursement or PTR / Senior Freeze

To ask questions 1-800-882-6597 or visit the Division of Taxation.                                           

Get Help with You Water Bill. Apply Today
New Jersey's Low-income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) can help you avoid service interruptions, restore services, pay reconnection fees, and stay up-to-date on payments. To apply, call 2-1-1 or visit: For details see  LFN 2024-17.or the Winter Termination Program.

Sewer Bills
Sewer Bills are due twice a year, April 15th and October 15th with a 10 DAY grace period.  All users shall be charged based on water consumed on the premises by a meter or meters in accordance with the following: a fixed charge per unit plus metered consumption or residential unmetered consumption or commercial unmetered consumption.  Billing is not affected by a change in ownership or residency.  Forms of payment are the same as for tax payments.                                                                                  

Irrigation Meters:  If a property owner wishes to have outside usage credited against his/her total overall usage, they may purchase and have installed at their own expense an irrigation meter.  They MUST obtain a free permit through code enforcement and must pass inspection for this consideration. For additional details see the attached.

Well Meters:  If a property owner with a well wishes to be charged at the metered consumption rate instead of the unmetered consumption rate, they may purchase and install at their own expense, a meter for their well line.  They MUST obtain a free permit through code enforcement and must pass inspection for this consideration. For additional details see the attached.

Currently, the Tax Collector’s office accepts cash, check, or money order for payment.  Online payment using Visa/Mastercard or ACH is available here.  There are fees associated with payments made on the website. Make checks payable to Lawrence Township.  If you are paying through your own personal online bill pay, please be aware it often takes 7 days for your bank to mail the check to us and you should take the due date into consideration before setting up your payment.  Please include your Block and Lot number as well as the Qualifier (condos, some townhouses, or commercial units) on your check or the property location.  Failure to do so may prevent the processing of your payment.

Address for payment:   Lawrence Township Tax Collector
                                     2207 Lawrence Road OR PO Box 6006
                                     Lawrence Twp., NJ 08648

Redaction of Name (Daniel's Law)
In accordance with Daniel's Law qualifying individuals may have their name redacted from property tax lists. Use this link for details and registration.

Tax Sale Information
New Jersey Law requires all municipalities to hold at least one tax sale per year if the municipality has delinquent property taxes and/or municipal charges. Tax Sale is the enforcement of collections against a property by placing a lien against the property for all outstanding municipal charges due at the end of the calendar year (December 31). Tax Sale is normally held in the last quarter of the year.

Municipal charges include but are not limited to, Taxes, Sewer, Added/Omitted assessments, Special assessment charges, and Violations (Health, Code, or Construction)