General Information
Phone Numbers
Fax: 609.896.0279
Emergencies: Dial 911
30 Darrah Lane East
Lawrence Township,

Office Hours M-F
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Office on Aging/Senior Center

The Office on Aging is in the Lawrence Senior Center, located at 30 Darrah Lane East, provides programs, activities, information, assistance and referrals to social services for Lawrence senior citizens, 60 years of age and older. The Center is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.

Lillian LaSalle, Executive Director, Office on Aging
Telephone: (609) 844-7049

Lawrence Township Senior Center

The Lawrence Senior Center is open to Lawrence senior citizens, 60 years of age and older, for a wide range of activities, including exercise, health and wellness options, educational talks, intergenerational programming and socialization/recreation opportunities. The Senior Center is located on 30 Darrah Lane East and is open Monday-Friday from 8:30am-4:30pm. 

The Office on Aging staff also provides information, assistance and referrals to social services, linking Lawrence seniors to the network of senior service providers. The Lawrence Township Senior center is a County Nutrition site, serving hot lunches to registered seniors, and also a location for AARP Tax Aide offering free tax preparation for seniors during the tax season.

Residents are welcome to volunteer at the senior center and donate their skills and talents to benefit our senior residents. The motto of the Senior Center is "Living It Up, Sharing the Joy"! Lawrence Seniors are encouraged to take part int the activities sponsored by the Office on Aging (Live It Up!); and to take advantage of the opportunities to contribute positively to our community (Share the Joy!). For example, seniors from the Busy Bee class have taught students from the Lawrenceville School how to knit and crochet, in turn these students taught the seniors basic, intermediate and advanced computer skills.  Currently, the Busy Bees and senior center volunteers are passionately working on lap blankets to donate to residents of nursing homes, assisted living, and senior housing groups. The senior center volunteer group also creates hats and scarves to donate to homeless individuals, young children and local neighbors that can use a helping hand.

Senior Center Van Transportation

The Lawrence Township Senior Center Van provides courteous transportation for senior center members and residents aged 60 and older. The primary goal of this service is to transport residents to the Senior Center for activities. If availability allows, the van can also transport residents to medical appointments or grocery shopping within the local limits of the township.

To ensure safe and efficient transportation, all passengers must follow these rules:

Registration & Eligibility:

  • Passengers must be registered with the Senior Center before using the van.
  • Only Lawrence Township residents aged 60 years and older are eligible for the service.

Scheduling & Cancellations:

  • Users are required to schedule their transportation needs in advance  by calling the Office on Aging/Senior Center to ensure availability and efficient route planning. Rides must be scheduled at least 48 hours in advance.
  • To cancel a ride, you must notify the Senior Center at least 24 hours in advance.

One Trip Per Day:

  • Passengers are allowed only one round trip per day, with no exceptions.

Medical Appointment & Grocery Trip Information:

  • When scheduling a doctor's appointment, you must provide the Senior Center with your doctor’s name, address, and contact number for emergency purposes. Your ride will not be scheduled without this information.
  • Medical appointments and grocery shopping trips must be within the local limits of Lawrence Township.

Physical Ability:

  • Passengers must be physically capable of walking to and from the van without assistance. If you require a wheelchair or walker, you will need to arrange transportation through T.R.A.D.E (609-530-1971) or Access (973-491-4224).
  • The van is not handicapped accessible; there is a step to enter the van.

Pick-Up & Wait Time:

  • The driver will not wait more than 5 minutes at your pickup location. Please be ready and waiting outside when the driver arrives.

Recurring Appointments:

  • The Senior Center does not schedule rides for recurring appointments. 

Passenger Conduct:

  • Passengers must be respectful and courteous to the driver and other passengers at all times.
  • Seat belts must be worn while the van is in motion.
  • No eating or drinking is allowed in the van, except for water or medically necessary beverages.
  • The driver has the right to refuse service to anyone who poses a safety risk or violates these rules.

Additional Guidelines:

  • If transporting food, it must be securely wrapped or bagged to prevent spills. Loose food items, including coffee, should not be transported.
  • If you are coughing, sneezing, or feeling unwell, please cancel your ride until you feel better.

Please note that the Lawrence Township Senior Center van is not handicapped accessible. If you need wheelchair-accessible transportation, please contact T.R.A.D.E. at (609-530-1971) or Access at (973-491-4224).

For more information or to schedule a ride, call us at 609-844-7048

Mercer County also provides transportation through T.R.A.D.E. by calling (609) 530-1971
Other transportation services are available:

Mercer County Office on Aging Asks Older Adults and Caregivers to Complete Annual Needs Assessment
The Assessment plays a critical role in collecting responses from seniors to determine the needs in the aging community. Responses will be incorporated into the Office on Aging’s annual Area Plan Contract. Adults, caregivers, and others who work with the older adult population, can complete the survey by visiting:!/

Office on Aging Calendar

Senior Trips
The Office on Aging and the Senior Clubs periodically schedule trips. 

Activities Calendar

This month's Senior Center Calendar and Highlights

Other Programs

Health Programs

Medicare Benefits for Low Income Seniors

State Health Insurance Assistance Programs (SHIP)

Nutrition Program

Senior Center Activities and Classes

For updates and new announcements, please continue to check the Lawrence Township website, Facebook accounts or call the Office on Aging at 609.844.7048.

  • For more information about volunteer opportunities at the Office on Aging please read the flyer.
  • Services and programs available provided through the Mercer County Office on Aging.

Senior Connect

Latest Senior Connect is a monthly newsletter that combines relevant and important information from our website, Facebook accounts, and the Municipal Manager blog. Senior Connect is a convenient and easy way to stay informed about what's happening in Lawrence Township.